Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Dec 01 2023
- Time: 12:00 pm
Batting for Lane
Printable Entry Form Click Here
Location: Lincoln Parish Expo Ruston, La
Batting For Lane
December 1, 2023
exhibitions 11:00-6:00
shootout 7:00
Grand Slam Shootout 3D
$250 entry fee
Can be paid in 2 payments
Option to roll over to Open on saturday
90% payback – all proceeds go to scholarship and athletic equipment in the name of Lane Mangum 2005-2021
December 2,2023
$5,000 added Open 5D
exb 8:00-10:00
Open 11:00
$50 entry fee
$15 processing
$20 Youth