Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Dec 06 2023
- Time: 6:00 pm
The Betty’s Open 4D
All entries are CASH ONLY on the day of race.
If you are on the “See Office” list; you MUST see them PRIOR to your run or your time will not count.
You must have a W-9 on file prior to collecting any winnings.
If you win money at a race and have left prior to the end of the race, we will contact you within 48 hours to make arrangements. If you need to contact us, please do so through our FB page.
We reserve the right to refuse service/entry to any person(s).
Exhibition Rules
- Exhibitions MUST be taken in the order called.
- You have a MAXIMUM of 60 seconds for each one. If you exceed the 60 seconds you will be fined $10 and it must be paid prior to your open/youth/sidepots/BBHH run.
Riding Slots – Levelland Races ONLY
- May only be the 12 riders and the horse they are on.
- NO ponying horses.
- Please be courteous of others using the pattern.
Payout/Entry Rules
- No “texting in” of entries.
- All results are posted on the app RodeoResults or can be found at www.thebettysraces.com
- All winnings that are not picked up at the conclusion of a race will be handled within 48 hours.
- All checks MUST be deposited within 30 days or they will be voided AND all winnings will be forfeited.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that we have correct addresses, paypal/venmo information, etc. If we have to replace a check there will be a $50 reissue fee.
- If you pre-enter and choose to draw out prior to the race starting; your office fees, any exhibition fees, and processing fees WILL NOT be refunded. Your refund will be handled within 48 hours of the conclusion of the race.